Side by Side walking group starting at Riverside Park

ramp to riverSolent Mind is starting a walking group at Riverside Park each Wednesday, run by people with their own experience of mental health issues.
• Walk with others and get fit at Riverside



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“Exercising with others can have a great impact on your mental health; it provides an opportunity to strengthen social networks, talk through problems with others or just simply enjoy some fresh air and a chat,” says the charity.

All ages and abilities are welcome along to walk as fast or slowly as they like.

If you have questions or would like more details, contact Solent Mind's Peer Support team t This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone on 023 8202 7830

Walk with others and get fit at Riverside
Bitterne Park - as seen from over the bridge
A cold, bright, cloudy, windy, dry and yet wet underfoot kind of a day

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