Denham opposes flat building plan

68 & 70 Sandringham Road
68 & 70 Sandringham Road


  • MP urges council to reject Sandringham flats precedent
  • “Council should act to protect the special quality of this part of Southampton”
  • New application for flats in Bond Road


John Denham has called on the City Council to throw out plans to replace two bungalows in Bitterne Park with a block of flats.  

The Labour MP for Southampton Itchen has written to the City Council’s Planning Panel (which meets on April 3) to urge it to refuse planning permission for the site at 68 and 70 Sandringham Road.

He says in his letter: “I do not normally become involved in individual local planning issues in my constituency.   I only become involved if I believe the proposals have a particular strategic importance.  

“It is for local residents to raise the local impact of the proposed development, such as pressures on the local highway and so on. My concern is the precedent that will be set by this development for the wholesale redevelopment of an area of Southampton distinguished by its good mix of quality family housing.

“Over recent years too many areas of the city have been undermined as balanced communities by the intrusion of unsuitable blocks of flats. Far too little of the city’s recent housing stock has been designed to meet the needs of families.   

“Past experience shows that once an area becomes identified as an area in which planning consent for flats will be given, the other properties in the area swiftly become targets for developers. There is nothing illegal or illegitimate in what these developers are doing but it does undermine confidence in the future of the neighbourhood.

This is an area in which such development is relatively rare and I believe that the City Council should act to protect the special quality of this part of Southampton and reject this development.”

• An application has also been made to build five two-bedroom “self-contained apartments” on three floors, on the site of a bungalow in Bond Road. You can view and comment on this application, by April 19, from here

To see a diagram of how the development might appear, click on the  ‘Associated documents’ tab and download the PDF under item 3: ‘elevations’.

See also:

Tesco's plans go to panel

Bond Road
Bond Road

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