Planning news

The Council has made decisions on applications in Maple Road, Lacon Close, Sandringham Road and for the Tesco Express store.

  • Maple Road - plans were passed for 3 flats. This sets a precedent for flats in that road.
  • Lacon Close - The plan to replace the church hall in Lacon Close with houses were refused because they would have been too tall.  It seems likely that a revised application, for houses with lower roofs, will succeed.
  • Sandringham Road - permission for flats on the site of 68 and 70 was refused, on the grounds that they would be out of character. The implication was that similar applications are also likely to be refused.
  • Tesco - plans for the store (one of 20 in Southampton) were accepted. This always seemed likely given that the changes to the original design, which had been approved, were minor.

• An application has also been made to build five two-bedroom flats in Bond Road. There's more about this here.

See also:

Denham opposes flat building plan

Tesco's plans go to panel

Second chance to comment on Tesco development


Tesco store changes are belatedly approved - Daily Echo

Giant denies "Tesco Town" - Daily Echo

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