A chimney which it's thought had become unsafe in the strong weather was the cause of the road closure at Manor Farm Road on Monday (Feb 8). Pics: Rob Fry
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One fire appliance from St Marys, and an aerial platform were called to assist at the flat above Miss Ellie's café at 4.15pm.
Meanwhile police closed the road.
Terry Hackett from Il Picchio café next door said: “I spoke to the fire guy and I asked him if it was going to fall and he said no, but it had twisted 50mm, so that's what it was about.”
“We actually left [Il Picchio café] at about 5.10pm, and literally as we were leaving another fire engine with the telescopic ladder was just arriving.”
Terry said he thought the problem had been spotted originally because an aerial attached to the chimney stack had become twisted.
Hampshire Fire and Rescue said they left the scene at 6.30pm.
Thanks to Rob Fry for the pictures.