Man with crowbar forces entry to Priory Road house

prioryrdsignPolice are appealing for witnesses after a man carrying a crowbar forced his way into a Priory Road house on Wednesday (March 9), threatening the person who answered the door.


The occupant managed to run outside, but police say he was then briefly followed by a black car with two men inside.

Meanwhile an “untidy search” was being made to the upstairs of his house.

No one was hurt and nothing appears to have been taken in the incident, which took place at about 4pm.

Police describe the man who forced his way into the property as white, 5ft 9inches tall, wearing a beanie hat, black coat with the hood up, dark tracksuit bottoms and trainers with orange 'tick' branding.

Anyone with information can call 101 and quote 44160096954, or ring the Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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