Join second annual One Bag Drop

onebagdroplogoHomelessness charity The Society of St James (SSJ) holds its second One Bag Drop, where you're invited to drop off essential items or a bag to help some of Southampton's most vulnerable homeless people, on April 2.



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“By providing basic essential items to support street homeless people moving into hostels or others on from hostels to more independent living, the mission of the event is simply to allow one person to make a difference to another, without the obligation of providing monetary support,” explains SSJ's website.

There's a downloadable and printable list of suggested items on the website, as well as further details and links to case studies about people the charity has helped.

One Bag Drop takes place on Saturday, April 2 from 10am-6pm at Above Bar Church Community Room, 69 Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7FE.


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