Bitterne Park Hotel set to reopen for bank holiday weekend

Krista Campbell Bitterne Park Hotel 200The Bitterne Park Hotel is set to reopen on Friday (Aug 24 26), with new licensee at the helm and music acts booked for the bank holiday weekend.



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Owners Enterprise Inns have been advertising for new operators since April, when the Cobden Avenue pub closed and the previous publicans left.

Krista Campbell Bitterne Park Hotel

Krista Campbell, pictured, who’s taking over and who has worked at a range of licensed premises in the region, says she doesn’t want to change things, but rather prefers to turn it into “a good local again”, with music, sports, and over the next couple of weeks, food too.

Vocal acoustic guitarist Cody, who plays music “from Ed Sheeran to The Kinks”, is booked for Friday (Aug 26), and local vocalist Matt Squire performs on Saturday.

“He’s going to be doing a bit of swing and a bit of soul,” said Krista, who says she also hopes to open up the pub garden as soon as possible.

bitterne park hotel exterior March 2016

Previously - Bitterne Park Hotel listed as community asset

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