Funding boost for local kids' projects

SO18 big local logo smallLocal children will be supported to get reading, get messy and get moving after funds were awarded to various projects aimed at improving outcomes for children in the SO18 Big Local area, which covers parts of Harefield, Midanbury and Townhill Park.


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This from SO18 Big Local in their own words:

Jo Proctor, a worker for SO18 Big Local said: “For this latest grant round, applications were received almost exclusively from groups working with children and young people but the project welcomes applications from groups working with all age ranges, so we are hoping to see a greater variety of applications next year!”

Just over £10,600 was awarded to groups working in the SO18 Big Local areas of Harefield, Midanbury and Townhill Park following the October round of the SO18 Big Local Small Grants Fund. Awards were made to:

  • YMCA Early Years pre-school - £953 for equipment to enhance outdoor messy play
  • Friends of Moorlands School - £2000 towards a new outdoor reading area to provide an alternative, relaxed space for learning
  • Fun-Nastix - £2894 for equipment to provide gymnastics classes for pre-school children
  • Harefield Primary School - £750 towards a “seating & planting” project
  • SoCo Music - £2900 towards a community choir, based at Woodlands and open to pupils, their families and the community
  • Woodlands Community College - £500 towards a breakfast club for Year 9 girls and £675 towards replacing goal nets on their community pitch.

SO18 Big Local distributed the funding through the SO18 Big Local Small Grant Programme administered by Southampton Voluntary Services (SVS) for Local Trust.

SO18 Big Local aims to make a lasting difference in the SO18 Big Local area, which covers parts of Harefield, Townhill Park and Midanbury. SO18 Big Local is one of 150 programmes across England. Big Local is run by Local Trust and partners, and funded by Big Lottery Fund.

The next round for SO18 Big Local Small Grants closes in May 2017. Details from or see for regular project updates.

If you are a local business and would like to add further funds to the Small Grant scheme, to help local people make the area a better place to live and improve peoples’ skills, please contact Louise Evans at Southampton Voluntary Services, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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