Classic, eccentric tale for families at Nuffield Theatre this half term

emperors new clothes nuffieldGet ready to meet an eccentric emperor who loves clothes more than anything. But despite a wardrobe the size of Paris, he hasn’t got a stitch to wear for his birthday!



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emperors new clothes nuffield

Stuff and Nonsense Theatre Company bring their version of the classic Hans Christian Andersen tale The Emperor’s New Clothes, inspired by the Muppets, Danny Kaye and good old family movies, to the Nuffield Theatre in half term, on October 28 and 29.

Annie Reilly, producer at Nuffield Theatre, said: “Stuff and Nonsense are an incredible company. They have wonderful puppets and a great sense of what makes children tick. They’ve taken a classic fairy-tale and transformed it into a hugely entertaining, and surprisingly witty, theatrical treat.”

The Emperor’s New Clothes is part of the Nuffield Children’s Theatre Autumn/Winter season which features Dinosaur Detectives, Flights of Fancy, Burglar Bill and Room on the Broom.

Nuffield Theatre, University Road, Southampton SO17 1TR
Box Office 023 8067 1771 or more information online at

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