Bitterne Park Hotel reopening under new management

bp hotel reopeningThe Bitterne Park Hotel is again under new management and scheduled to reopen on Friday (Dec 9) with an evening disco.



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bp hotel reopening

The pub has been closed since October 28, having only reopened under new management in August.

Prior to that, it had been shut since April.

Tracy Bondsfield will be at the helm as new licensee, with partner Steve Motley (also watch out for friendly, but rather large Mastiff dog known as ‘Boss’!).

Tracy, who has a Tenancy at Will, has run various pubs around the south.

She says one new feature will be a games room, with an Xbox and board games including Monopoly, Scrabble, and Dominoes. It’s hoped that bar food will also be reintroduced in the near future.

Next Friday there’s live music from The Unexpected, and regular Karaoke continues on Sundays from December 18.

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