Sandringham Road developments

Although plans to build flats on the site of 68/70 Sandringham Road were widely opposed - and rejected by the council, the developer has gone to appeal. Comments on the appeal need to be received by June 22. Meanwhile a further application has been made to build six four-bedroom houses on the site.

68 and 70 Sandringham Road
68 and 70 Sandringham Road

John Denham MP said of the original plans: “Over recent years too many areas of the city have been undermined as balanced communities by the intrusion of unsuitable blocks of flats. Far too little of the city’s recent housing stock has been designed to meet the needs of families.”  (Read more here)

To comment on the appeal, go to this webpage,  scroll down and click on the link at the bottom of the page, under ‘Documents’.

Roxan Construction's) new application can be viewed, and commented on, via the Southampton City Council’s ‘public access’ website here  The deadline for comments is July 12.

See also

Denham opposes flat building plan

Planning news