Coming soon: a MUGA in the park

courtbiggerA ‘MUGA’ – or ‘Multi Use Games Area’ – could be in action in Riverside Park "by August", it was recently revealed.


The news was reported at the recent Friends of Riverside Park (FORP) AGM (March 20).


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The MUGA will have a hard playing surface and fencing, and is expected to include goal posts, nets for basket and netball, and line markings for various sports. It could also be used for increasingly popular cage cricket.

It will be sited to the west of the current skateboard ramps, and following consultations it’s thought it will be generally popular, particularly with teenagers.

muga st denys

The cost is expected to be around £52,000, with funding in place from Section 106 grants and Southampton City Council. FORP say they’ve also applied to Veolia for grant funding towards general park improvements.

The Friends group says it conducted a consultation exercise with a range of park users, and the majority asked were in favour of the idea.

“We went out in the park at the weekends several times and asked people… and most people were keen for a MUGA,” said FORP chair Doug Perry.

The plans have been in the pipeline for some years: as reported, plans were outlined in detail at a previous FORP AGHM in 2014.

Pics: Library images of St Denys Community Centre MUGA

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