Push the boat out: experience small boat sailing on the Itchen

St Denys Sailing and Rowing ClubThere's another chance to try sailing, rowing, canoeing or even stand up paddleboarding on the River Itchen with St Denys Sailing and Rowing Club on Sunday (May 14).


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The event, which runs from noon-4pm and is free, is being run as part of the RYA's 'Push the boat out' on water experience days.  The club says no previous experience is needed, lifejackets will be supplied, and if you've never been sailing before you'll be paired  up with an experienced skipper who will show you the ropes.

For more information and to book your free place email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 023 8097 0965.

Previously - Messing about on the river
Sue Thomas describes how easy it is to relive those Wind in the Willows fantasies, courtesy of one of the area’s best kept secrets: St Denys Sailing and Rowing Club.



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