Half term playschemes in Harefield and Townhill Park

SouthamptonChildrensPlayAssocLogoSouthampton Children’s Play Association (SCPA) will once again be running half term playschemes in Harefield and Townhill Park, funded by SO18 Big Local.


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The schemes run 10am to 12pm & 1pm to 3pm and will be on:
  • Tuesday 30th May & Wednesday 31st May, at Moorlands Community Centre (Townhill Way)
  • Thursday 1st June & Friday 2nd June, at Bramdean Road Scout Hut (Harefield)
The schemes are for children aged 5 and over (Under 5’s welcome but must be accompanied by an appropriate adult)
Schemes are Open Access - that means that children will be supervised whilst taking part in activities, but are free to come and go as they please.
For further information please contact SCPA on 02381 849355 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit www.scpaplay.org.uk 

No need to book – turn up on the day!
Jo Proctor - SO18 Big Local

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