Meet children’s author Ali Sparkes at library celebration

Ali Sparkes talk gasp 200There’s a chance to meet award-winning children’s author Ali Sparkes on Saturday (June 17) at Cobbett Hub & Library’s first anniversary celebration.



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It’s a year since Social Care in Action (SCA) and Unexpected Places took over the running of what was Cobbett Road Library, and council funding stopped. 

Ali will be joining in with the celebrations, and presenting ‘Thunderstruck’, an interactive event which includes a special showing of the trailer for her new book of the same title, which was filmed on Southampton Common and which features local actors.

She’s also becoming the patron of the Friends of Cobbett Road Library.

10.30am – 1pm,
Cobbett Road Library, SO18 1HL.
Advance booking is recommended - tickets from Cobbett Hub and Library, or phone 023 8091 5628 to reserve places. Suggested donation per ticket: £3.
Refreshments available.

Library statue gets spruce-up

Previously: Bitterne Parker: Ali Sparkes

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