Promoted: New yoga classes in Bitterne

Michelle Higgins200circlePROMOTED I'm Michelle Higgins, a yoga teacher based in Southampton, and I teach a series of weekly classes and occasional workshops in various venues around the city. 


Michelle Higgins460

I am Michelle and am a qualified yoga teacher registered with Yoga Alliance Professionals based in Bitterne.

I teach Vinyasa Flow yoga which is a creative flowing class linking breath with movement and Ashtanga which is a dynamic physical practice working through a set series of postures. My Vinyasa Flow classes are suitable for all levels.

As my Ashtanga classes are more physical I ask for either a reasonable level of fitness or some knowledge of yoga .

I run classes in Bitterne, Northam and Merryoak. Please visit my website for more information or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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