Golf plan yet to tee off

golf unsplash 460 edewaa-foster-21157 While work on the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) nears completion at Riverside Park, there seems to be little news about the hoped-for nine-hole pitch and putt and ‘footgolf’ facility near Woodmill.



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muga near completion
Multi Use Games Area, or MUGA, nears completion near the skate area at Riverside Park

The new MUGA, next to the skating area in Riverside Park, is apparently close to completion, with the playing surface in now in place, although we understand that there has been a slight holdup while correct parts arrive.

Upstream, however, there’s little to report about any new golf facility.

golf pitch and putt riverside bunker
Golf bunker and green at Riverside Park

There were hopes that a new nine-hole pitch and putt course, as well as a football golf facility would open by the end of July to replace the course that closed in 2015, but earlier this week we found no evidence of any golfing activity or developments at Riverside Park.

In March the council told us they were working with Mytime Active, who run Southampton city and other golf courses, on a licence to run it, but despite requests, no update was forthcoming from either party by publication.

Riverside pitch & putt and ‘football golf’ courses could open by summer
MUGA taking shape at Riverside Park

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