Free family fun day in Townhill Park

Fun for all the family will be on offer at a Townhill Park Fun Day this Friday (July 27).

This outdoor community event has a full programme of family activities, games and displays

Most of the activities and information will be free and will include:

  • Pretend Beach
  • Wood sculpting
  • Art workshop
  • Healthy snacks, drinks and information
  • Fire engine
  • Police
  • Making Bird Feeders
  • Lots of information
  • Bouncy Castle - (There will be a charge for this)
  • And lots more.

The day will be a culmination of months of planning by the Townhill Volunteers, council officers and other agencies with funding from Southampton East Neighbourhood Partnership.

Residents can join in the fun at Meggeson Avenue on the grassed area by the Community Centre, on Friday July 27 from 11.00am until 3.00pm.

Cllr Phil Williams, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods said, "Residents have been requesting more activities to help develop the sense of community in the area, and this is a great way for local people to meet and talk to their neighbours in a friendly and positive way. There will be plenty of fun activities for all ages and information on issues such as healthy eating and community safety."

For more information telephone Southampton City Council’s Development Worker Cathy O’Leary on 8083 3476 or email her.


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