Bitterne Park property market still strong – agent

bitterne park properties stylisedThe Bitterne Park property market remains buoyant despite a “slowdown” in Southampton, according to a local estate agent.



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kevin ashley supplied200Enfields Bitterne have said that Bitterne Park “seems to be one of the exceptions and remains buoyant with properties selling quickly and demand still high”.

According to the agency, the May 2017 land registry data shows the average price of a property in Southampton is now £202,383, up 4.2% on last year, while the average price of a property in England is £237,662, up 5.0% on last year.

Director of Enfields’ Bitterne Branch Kevin Ashley, pictured, said: “The slowdown in the Southampton property market is a reflection of what is happening at a national level, but London and the south-east seem to be particularly affected. Political uncertainty (the Brexit vote and the results of the recent general election), low levels of property stock and stamp duty changes are all hindering the housing market.

'Excellent schools'

“There do seem to be certain locations that are less affected by this and Bitterne Park is one of them. We saw a similar situation in the recession in 2008: sales were tough to come by in certain areas but property in Bitterne Park continued to sell quickly. I would suggest this is down to the excellent schools in the area, sought after property stock, good transport links, Riverside Park and Bitterne Park Triangle”

He added that the latest land registry data is only available up until May and that it would be interesting to see what this summer’s figures show.

UK house price growth slows with London and north-east hardest hit - Guardian

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