Bitterne Leisure Centre swimming pool to reopen

bitterne leisure centreThe swimming pools at Bitterne Leisure Centre are to reopen from Saturday, September 2 with a launch weekend of community activities.



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This follows essential structural repairs to the roof and tiling following a building survey in March. Now these works are fully completed, both the main pool and learner pool will be once again available for use with additional work also carried out to help improve the customer experience.

Bitterne Leisure Centre is operated by Active Nation on behalf of the council. Active Nation will be informing their users directly.

Councillor Satvir Kaur, Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure, said “The closure of this facility over the summer months was unfortunate but necessary for safety reasons. The safety of our users and residents is our most important priority. During the period of closure alternative swimming facilities were available in the city, most notably The Quays Swimming and Diving Centre.

“I’m really pleased that this work was carried out efficiently and the facility is reopening as always intended later in the summer. It’s evident that Bitterne Leisure Centre is a well-used and thriving hub in the local community and I’m delighted that local people will be able to enjoy this facility for years to come.” 


Find out more about Bitterne Leisure Centre, including swimming times at

Previously: Bitterne Leisure Centre pool closes for repairs "until futher notice"


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