PE teacher nominated for diversity award

Alix Christopher profile photo 200A teacher at a college popular with Bitterne Park students has been shortlisted for a National Diversity Award.



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Alix Christopher, who teaches sport and PE at Barton Peveril Sixth Form College in Eastleigh, has been shortlisted for the Positive Role Model for Age Award.

Alix has taken the lead within the PE department to ensure that equality and diversity has been embedded not only in their curriculum, but as a “visible value” throughout teaching, tutoring and team sports.

As part of LGBT month, Alix created a powerful display, so that LGBTQ students could see themselves represented in a variety of sports. Her students delivered an inclusive triathlon for local pupils with both learning and physical differences, and she’s now organising a Festival of Culture to be held at the college later this month.

“I am absolutely thrilled to have been nominated for the National Diversity Awards this year,” she said. “It is really important students studying at Barton Peveril feel safe, welcomed and valued no matter their circumstances and it is really lovely to know that the work being done to ensure this is the case is being well received and hopefully making a difference in the young people’s lives.”

The awards ceremony takes place on Friday (September 8) in Liverpool.

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