Mayor officially opens Riverside Park games area

muga official opening2Friends of Riverside Park chair Doug Perry said at an official opening ceremony on Tuesday (Oct 3) that finally seeing the Riverside Park multi-use games area (MUGA) in action after 11 years was like a “dream come true”.



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The MUGA, near the existing skate park, can be used to play various sports including cage cricket, football, basketball and netball.

The Friends group had previously conducted a consultation with park users about building a MUGA, and said most were in favour of the idea.

Mr Perry, pictured above right, thanked his committee and local councillors for their support, as well as the council for moving swiftly once funding became available.

Southampton's mayor, Cllr Les Harris, above left, said it gave him a lot of pleasure to open the MUGA.

He said the project was testament to “local communities working together with the council”.

“I applaud you all for the effort you’ve put in,” he said.

The £52,000 project was funded by Veolia Environmental Trust and Southampton City Council.

muga interior shot riverside park

Previously: Bitterne Parker: Doug Perry

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