Activities for World Mental Health Day

third age ctre exteriorIt's World Mental Health Day on Tuesday (Oct 10), and this year the Mental Health Foundation is raising awareness about mental health in the workplace. Locally, Third Age Centre is offering free classes and activities throughout the day.



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“Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year, but 10 October is a great day to show your support for better mental health and start looking after your own wellbeing,” says mental health charity Mind’s website, which offers a range of resources for people looking to “boost their own wellbeing” or employers looking for information on supporting their staff.

Locally there’s a World Mental Health Awareness Day at the Third Age Centre, Cranbury Terrace S14 0LH on October 10, in partnership with Southern Health’s Recovery College, offering free classes and activities open to all throughout the day.

Activities include:

  • The Labyrinth & the River –installations to help people decide on next steps
  • Creative Health Art: Including the Cape of Hope – to capture and display your ambitions!
  • Exercising to improve Health & Wellbeing – go on a mind journey, facing fears or building confidence whist getting an exercise workout at the same time/ also an exclusive woman only Health, Fitness & Wellbeing Coach and Gym.
  • Mindfulness & Relaxation - 30 min taster sessions
  • Music for the Mind – leading some uplifting communal singing!
  • Conversations with leaders in this field to inform and inspire

There are also some taster training sessions – for full details see this Facebook post.

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