Support the Triangle

Various measures to support the Triangle were discussed at the recent meeting, including the possibility of a mini farmers’ market and the opening of a not-for-profit wholefood shop.


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At the meeting on July 18 it was decided to produce a leaflet on the theme “Use It or Lose It” for distribution to local homes to encourage people to shop at the Triangle.  Graham Cotton is investigating the possibility of occasional mini farmers’ markets at the Triangle and he also intends to resurrect the Halloween festivities which used to be a regular event.

I am planning to open a wholefoods shop on the Triangle to sell whole and fair-trade products on a non-profit making basis, with good donated items on sale to raise money for the regeneration of the Triangle.  I am hoping to have some volunteers to assist in running the shop, so if anyone would like to help for a few hours a week, please contact me on 023 8033 2926.  At present I am considering which of the empty retail premises would be the most suitable.
Lindsi Bluemel

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