Vote to banish school’s playing field mud

Bitterne Manor Primary School wants your vote to be in with a chance of winning funds so it can replace its muddy school playing field with an all-weather, multi-purpose pitch.




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The school's launched a campaign and put together a funding application to the Aviva Community Fund that’s so far attracted over 2,600 votes.

And with only a few voting days to go, Bitterne Manor is now hoping the wider local community will get behind the bid.

bitterne manor school playing fieldsupplied

Jennie Mugridge, PTA chair and parent, said while the maximum the association could raise would be around £6000 a year, that isn’t enough to fund the all-weather pitch.

The final bill is expected to be nearer the £25,000 mark.

Of their current outdoor field, she said: “It is currently a multi purpose pitch, but it’s not a very good one.

“It’s used for football, athletics, it’s a running track during sports day, and it’s also the play area where children can play in their break time, but… it doesn’t weather very well.”

bitterne manor school playing field2supplied

As various children explain in the campaign’s promotional video, in wet weather mud gets brought into the school and can make it unusable, while in summer it can also be slippery and dangerous to fall on.

Headteacher Mr Adams said: “Having access to a facility all year round is really going to make a massive difference to some of our children’s wellbeing.”

You can find out more and vote for Bitterne Manor Primary School’s project by November 21 on the Aviva website here.

bitterne manor primary school exterior

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