Friends of Cobbett Road Library meeting notes - June

Friends of Cobbett Road Library meet in the community room on the last Saturday of the month at 11 am: do come along and give your views on how the library can best be used, and find out more about what's going on. Notes from the June meeting follow.

Meeting of the Friends of Cobbett Road Library

Held on Saturday 30th June 2007


1. 12 Friends were present.


2. Norma distributed copies of the Friends Newsletter and copies of Posters advertising the Library were available for people to take away and display.


3. Two tower fans have been purchased for use in the children’s and community rooms to assist when/if the hot weather arrives.


4. We are now official members of the Library Campaign.



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5. The old newspapers are to be removed on 3rd July to the archives and the Library is one of four projects on a priority list for work if/when money is available. Redecoration of the community room has been nominated as the preferred option.


6. Mothers and Toddlers Group numbers are falling and might have to close. It was suggested parents were putting priority on Play schools to ensure children would gain places in the school these groups fed. If forced to close this would solve the children’s toy storage difficulties.


7. The Makaton Workshop, teaching signing for those assisting the deaf, had started to use the facilities fortnightly. They were paying for the facility.


8. Flipside, copies of which were available, listed activities for Children during the summer 2007 throughout Southampton, including those being held at Cobbet Road Library.


9. Norma would be away for the next meeting.


NEXT MEETING: Saturday 28th July at 11.00am (Tea/coffee and children’s activities.)

Come along and share ideas.



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