The schools watchdog Ofsted has said Bitterne Park School continues to be ‘Good’, shortly after moving into its new school building and under the leadership of a recently appointed headteacher.
It was also rated ‘Good’ at its last full inspection in 2014.
In a letter to parents on the school’s website, headteacher Graham Wilson said that the inspection, which took place on November 29 and 30, graded the school ‘Good’ in all areas.
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“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole school community who have really pulled together this term and got behind our core values agenda taking Respect, Achievement, Community, Enjoyment and Relationships to a greater depth, changing the culture within the school,” he said.
Ofsted noted that the new headteacher has had “an immediate and beneficial impact on the culture of the school. Parents appreciate the efforts he has already made to listen to, and act on, their views.”
The new school building under construction earlier in the year
The report also said that “arrangements for safeguarding are effective” and that “considerable improvements have been made to the school’s child protection policies and practices since Ofsted’s unannounced inspection in July 2017.” The July inspection was carried out because of concern over safeguarding, and “aspects of leadership and management”. It concluded: “arrangements for safeguarding were narrowly judged to be effective”.
The school moved to its new building at the start of term, and work is now underway to demolish the old school buildings and replace them with playing fields.
Understanding Ofsted reports [scroll down] – BBC
Ofsted inspection report November 2017-12-19
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