Updated: Flood alert for Mansbridge and Riverside Park

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Riverside Park at about 12.15pm on Thursday (Jan 4). More pics & comment on our Facebook page
Updated: The Environment Agency flooding alert for Bitterne Park and Mansbridge has been refreshed for Thursday (Jan 4), with the Itchen tides site also said to be warning about possible flooding. Property flooding is again "not expected". There's also a Yellow Warning of wind for Southampton.
• Tidal River Itchen – how do I know when it will flood?


High water is predicted at 12:11 so the period to watch will be from around 11:50 - 12:20. The water level is predicted at 10cm more than yesterday, which made it onto Cobden Bridge - tweets our Tides Correspondent Ian T.


The Met Office has also issued a Yellow (be aware/plan ahead for possible disruption) Warning of wind for Southampton, in place on Thursday from 8am until 7pm.

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Original post from Wednesday:

A flood altert flood alert has been issued on Wednesday (Jan 3) for Southampton Water, plus Riverside Park and Mansbridge - although property flooding is not expected.

The warning, that "Flooding is possible - be prepared" says that although the forecast tide is currently below the "Flood Altert threshold", the tide could peak slightly higher.

However the warning says "property flooding is not expected but a small amount of water could come out of bank into the road at Mansbridge".

It also suggests a "temporary flood barrier could be installed to help protect the car park of the White Swan pub" and that "Tidal defence gates around the pub should also be closed as a precaution."

Today's high waters are expected at at 11:23 and 13:42.

You can read the full warning here.

3/1/18 Updated typing error - property flooding is not expected

• Tidal River Itchen – how do I know when it will flood?


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