St Denys Road traffic lights could be repaired by end of week

st denys rd traffic lights work startsUPDATE: Usual lights back in action this afternoon 9/2/17
Work appears to have started on repairing traffic lights at the Priory / St Denys Road / Cobden Bridge junction after a signal controller was destroyed on January 27.
• Temporary lights cause headache for drivers as signal controller 'totally destroyed'



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st denys rd traffic lights work starts

As reported, temporary lights, put in place after a collision on the junction, are said to have been significantly adding to motorists' journey times travelling down Cobden Avenue and over the bridge into town during rush hours.

A spokesperson for Balfour Beatty said: "I can confirm that from today [5/2/18] we will be on site carrying out the required repairs and that the new traffic signals should be commissioned by the end of the week. As we said on our Twitter feed it’s not a one size fits all with traffic signals unfortunately, each individual set has a chip which has to be specifically configured for the junction."

In response to some calls for a camera at the junction to deter red light jumping, Balfour Beatty said delivery and management of such cameras rests with the police.

st denys temporary lights tight crop

temporary lights wires st denys rd jan 2018
The remains of the damaged traffic light controller

Previously: Temporary lights cause headache for drivers as signal controller 'totally destroyed'

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