Roadworks: Bassett Avenue resurfacing

bollardBassett Avenue is being resurfaced between Winchester Road and Chilworth Roundabout, with work planned from Sunday 11 February for seven weeks.



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Here's more information from the council, in their own words.

Work is being undertaken in two phases:

Phase one will be relocating any damaged or deteriorating manholes and drainage gullies. This is expected to take four weeks and will require a 24 hour closure of Bassett Avenue to all inbound traffic for the duration.

Phase two will be the planing and resurfacing of the road. This work is planned to start from Monday 12 March and is expected to take three weeks. This will require the full closure of Bassett Avenue overnight between 8pm to 6am.

Residential road access will be maintained during phase one, but during phase two, only properties with no alternative routes will be permitted access through the site.

In addition to resurfacing the road, overgrown vegetation is being cleared from the shared footway and cycleway. Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained via shared use pavement but cyclists will be asked to dismount where temporary footway is provided around work on the pavement.

For information about affected bus services please contact the bus service provider or check our website for links, where available. 

Travel advice

These essential works are expected to cause disruption particularly at peak times. We are asking those affected to plan their journeys wherever possible and allow extra time. Alternative routes will be signed.

Alternative routes for inbound (southbound) traffic from the M3

We are advising drivers approaching from the M3 motorway to use alternative routes into the city via the M27 junctions 3 and 5. Inbound (southbound) traffic reaching Chilworth Roundabout will be diverted via Bassett Green Road and should expect delays at peak times. Please see the map online.

You can find more information and a FAQ here.


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