Chance to comment on draft Triangle redesign

Triangle slip rd right turn from whitworth
Should right turns from Cobden Avenue into Manor Farm Road be prohibited?
WEDNESDAY  Bitterne Parkers will get the chance to comment on “early stage” plans to redesign the Triangle area, including measures for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists – possibly involving banning various right turns – at a public consultation event on February 28.
‘Love the Triangle’ meeting will mull redesign plans


As reported, residents’ suggestions for improvements, as a result of possible funding becoming available, were previously discussed at informal ‘Love the Triangle’ resident meetings over a year ago, with various ideas being put forward to the council – although it’s not yet clear which of these will be incorporated.


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road-sign-867215 640norightturnpixabay200pxNow it seems the council has drawn up draft plans, and has sent a letter from the “Highways Service Partnership” to some neighbours outlining possible changes. It also includes diagrams, which we can’t currently reproduce, showing draft changes, and possible alternative traffic routes.

The letter says: “We would like to invite you to comment on proposed improvements to Bitterne Triangle (sic). These are at an early stage of design to inform potential measures the city council may take.”

'Enhancing the public realm'

It goes on to say that changes are intended to “improve pedestrian and cycle access as well as enhance the public realm and reduce traffic congestion through Bitterne Triangle”.

Changes include banning various car manoeuvres that, it’s suggested, currently cause problems, including:

  • right turns from Cobden Avenue into Manor Farm Road (possibly making the slip road behind the clock tower one way?)
  • right turns from Cobden Avenue into Whitworth Crescent
  • right turns from Whitworth Crescent onto Cobden Avenue

Footways could also be widened to “improve access and to create shared use pedestrian and cycle routes”, and cycle lanes extended.

Additional cyclist and pedestrian crossings are also proposed.

The drop-in consultation takes place at Riverside Diner, Bitterne Park Triangle on Wednesday, February 28 between 5pm and 8pm. People will be able to “informally ask questions or make comments”, and other feedback can be submitted, by March 12, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post, quoting, according to the letter, “Bitterne Triangle improvements”.

Triangle slip rd right turn from whitworth
Should right turns from Cobden Avenue into Manor Farm Road be prohibited?

‘Love the Triangle’ - update
'Love the Triangle' meeting recommendations going to council


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