Central Library hosts wellbeing event for World Mental Health Day

world mental health day logoSouthampton Central Library hosts a Wellbeing Day on Wednesday (Oct 10), which is World Mental Health Day. 



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The theme of this year's World Mental Health Day is young people and mental health in a changing world

Said the council: “Mental health issues affect around one in four people in any given year. Our mental health is just like our physical health. We all need to take care of our mental health and wellbeing whether we have a mental health problem or not.” 

For Wellbeing Day, which runs from 10am-3pm, people can talk to representatives from:
•           Age UK
•           British Red Cross
•           Stroke Association
•           Southampton Healthy Living 
•           The Quays
•           Steps to Wellbeing
•           Southampton Libraries

Information, help, advice and support will be available about looking after your mental and physical health, healthy eating and how to prevent stroke.
You can find out how healthy you are with a 20-minute mini-health check (no need to book), or maybe you know somebody who is lonely, or struggling with memory loss but not sure who to talk to.

You can also try out a taster session in Tai-Chi and Yoga, or “listen to the soothing sounds of the council choir”, Sing Force, from 1-2pm.

There will also be a library stall with self-help books, including those aimed at young people to help them look after their mental health, and books about living with Dementia.

Cllr Dave Shields, Cabinet Member for Health and Community Wellbeing, Southampton City Council, said: "Mental health issues can affect anyone, any day of the year. World Mental Health Day is a great day to show your support for better mental health and start looking after your own wellbeing.

"I'd like to encourage residents to attend Wellbeing Day at the Central Library and learn more about what kind of help and advice is available. It will also be a great chance to give yourself a break by trying out something new and relaxing."

In the news
The young people 'not ill enough' to get help - BBC
Tens of thousands of children in England rejected for mental health treatment – Guardian
Delays in NHS mental health treatment 'ruining lives' – Guardian

Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World
(PDF) from World Federation for Mental Health 

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