Community radio station to celebrate move

mixer-226177 640 pixabay 460Southampton community radio station Voice FM is holding an open day, with the YMCA, to celebrate its move to Graham Road in Newtown.



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The Ofcom-licensed station, which has been on the air since September 2011, says its move from St Marys Street into a YMCA-run youth centre is to “ensure its long term financial stability”.

The open day is on February 23 from 12-3pm at the Youth Centre, Graham Road, Southampton SO14 0AW.

It will feature live music from local artists, family friendly activities and food, as well as tours of the new Voice FM studios.

The station says it then plans to be out at events in the city throughout the year.

Station manager Jake Balmer said: “We want to introduce ourselves to local people and have some fun. We are excited to be moving... into the heart of the community, and we want to introduce ourselves and hear what local people think.”

He said the station’s “general output will stay the same, targeting people aged between 14-34”. He added that Voice FM would also continue to work closely with community station Unity 101, based on St Marys Road, to reach as many people in the community as possible.

Voice FM is broadcast on 103.9FM and online at

Its Ofcom-approved key commitments are here.

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