Marlhill Copse: walk to see trees that could be for the chop

marlhill copse tree with blue markingA public walk around Marlhill Copse, which is between River Walk and Mansbridge Road, has been organised by residents for Saturday (Feb 23) to see trees that they say the airport are "set to chop".



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As reported, Southampton Airport wants to fell 27 trees on the land that it says it now owns because it’s “legally required to manage the height of trees in areas close to the runway”.

The airport has said that as part of its preparation, it is “undertaking a full environmental report to ensure that we put in place all safeguarding measures necessary to protect any sensitive animals and plants that live within the copse”.

But there are concerns about the possible scale of the work, and the fact that, according to one local, “almost all the mature trees have been marked”.

A public comment on a related airport planning application also expresses concern that: “The loss of many of these trees will be a loss of protection for the houses in the area and to the ward in general not just for sight and noise but significantly helps with air pollution that we should helping to reduce not not (sic) contribute to.”

The airport itself organised an information session and walk around the site on January 26.

Saturday’s tour is hosted by two local residents, and “Marlhill Copse”, a new Facebook page, discusses the issue in some depth, and suggests that “pressure on City Councillors could help”.

The walk takes place from 11am meeting at the River Walk entrance to Marlhill Copse. The Facebook event is here.

A planning application (ref 19/00006/TPO) for “Land adjacent River Itchen River Walk Southampton”, that seeks “consent for works to tree(s) subject to a Tree Preservation Order” to “create vehicle access to complete Marlhill Copse Large Tree Work Project”, is here. The deadline for comments on the application is unclear, but they are open at the time of writing.

marlhill copse tree with blue marking
Trees at Marlhill Copse, one marked in blue paint

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