The 'all or nothing' crowdfunding appeal to stage ‘TriFest’ community festivals in Riverside Park has now finished, only creeping past its £1,580 target during the final days. So what next?
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The Crowdfunder campaign in the end surpassed its £1,580 target, attracting £1,640 from 72 supporters, who promised between around £5 and £100 each.
But it was touch and go whether the target would be reached, admitted organiser Paul Jenks, pictured.
“Not having done a Crowdunder before it was quite an interesting experience, because at one point I thought this is not going to happen…
“But it came together. I’m really grateful to the people who’ve put a contribution in, and also the very positive comments that people are clearly into the idea of a small festival in Riverside Park.”
Funds were being raised to buy equipment for regular community festivals at Riverside Park, likely to be larger than last year’s TriFest at the Triangle, but not as large, elaborate or expensive to stage as RiverFest in 2017: think a cross between a village show with crafts, stalls and games, and a music festival with local bands performing to picnickers.
For the moment things are likely to go quiet as more planning takes place. Then, everyone who’s expressed an interest in being involved or who has contributed will be contacted in an effort to make it a better day.
“For instance I’ve got an idea in my head about a dog show, but I haven’t the faintest idea about how to run a dog show – but I’m sure somebody has!” said Paul, who’s also keen to get local traders involved if they want stalls, and to promote the traders on the Triangle.
“It’s about trying to support the Triangle as well. And we need someone to organise the music...”
Trying hard not to clash with anything else (always a tricky one), a provisional date in late August is currently being considered.
Audio: Our day at Riverfest
Pics: Weather disappoints but TriFest engages locals