Police given stop and search powers in Swaythling

police sign jacket normalPolice will be able to stop and search anyone in the area of Swaythling tonight (June 12) following two incidents of what’s described as “serious violence” in the area in the last two days.



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Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 has been authorised.

Police say this can be authorised in areas where either serious violence has occurred or police believe serious violence is about to occur and gives officers the power to stop and search anyone in a designated location, looking for offensive weapons or bladed articles

On June 10 at 4.15pm police received a report that a group of young people were carrying weapons engaging in a large-scale public order incident on Monks Way.

On June 11 between 3.30pm and 4pm two groups of young people were seen to be chasing each other near Cantell School carrying planks of wood.

Officers say they received a number of calls from the public about these incidents and are now responding to concerns raised by residents. They describe the Section 60 authority as “a tactic to keep communities safe”.

It will be reviewed at 11.59pm tonight. 

“If you live in this area and are concerned about this, or you witnessed these two incidents, please speak to us,” said police in a statement.

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