Time running out for post office closure feedback

post office londis sign
The public consultation process about the proposed closure of Oaktree Road and other local post offices ends on November 26.

The post office's petition has now been sent off, but you can still email comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until Nov 26 (these will be made public unless marked ‘in confidence’).

The sub postmaster at Oaktree has said in a leaflet that he feels the decision will be a major blow to the local community, and, because of the hilly nature of the area would cause unnecessary hardship to the elderly when claiming their pension. He thinks the nearest post office at Midanbury would have severe problems in coping with the extra capacity if Oaktree shuts: Midanbury is already busy, and both post offices currently serve large areas including Chartwell Green, Townhill Park, Bitterne Park, Midanbury and Bitterne Manor. Oaktree also benefits from easy parking and disabled access.

See also
Oaktree post office earmarked for closure


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