Everyone welcome at this year’s Race For Life events

Cancer Research UK RFL Generations 03 460Everyone is invited to Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life and Pretty Muddy events this summer in Southampton, with organisers emphasising they are "no longer restricted to female participants".



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Cancer Research UK RFL Generations 03 460

“This means anybody can be part of the empowering Race for Life movement and show support for the 51,400 people diagnosed with cancer every year in the south east”, says Cancer Research UK.

The Pretty Muddy events take place on The Common on Saturday June 27 and Race for Life 5km & 10km on Sunday June 28 and are open to people of all ages and abilities.

“We’re sending a heart-felt message to anybody who’s thought about signing up in the past but for one reason or another hasn’t got round to it,” said Georgina Horne, Cancer Research UK’s event manager for Hampshire. “This is your year – please seize the opportunity to register in January and become part of the Race for Life community.”

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Money raised through the Race for Life events funds world-class research to help beat 200 types of cancer – including bowel cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, brain cancer, children’s cancers and leukaemia.

Georgina said: “The Race for Life is a powerful, inspirational movement which unites participants in Hampshire with people across the South East and the whole of the UK.

“People get together and remember loved ones lost or celebrate the lives of those who have survived. At the same time, they are helping to make a difference to people with the disease, right now.

“Please go to the Race for Life website, choose an event, and sign up today.”

To enter, visit raceforlife.org

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