This March Friends of Chessel Bay will, once more, be aiming to clear the rubbish in our Local Nature Reserve on the River Itchen - and as ever, local volunteers form the backbone of the work.
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The tide seems to be bringing in increasing amounts of plastic detritus and much else besides, but increasing awareness about this kind of pollution has brought more support too.
Local people are now often joined by new emerging groups concerned about the environment. For example, Surfers Against Sewage, a grassroots organisation tackling marine plastic pollution, have come along regularly and conducted ‘citizen science’ surveys. Their bottle pollution data, brand and plastic audits have all contributed to the increasing body of knowledge about these issues along our shores. And their work in Chessel Bay has made a significant contribution to it.
But, as always, local volunteers form the backbone of the work here. So, if you can, join the Friends as we beaver away. There’s lots to do.
Chessel Bay Local Nature Reserve, Quayside Rd SO18 1DP. Saturday 14th March 10am – 2pm. Please wear old clothes. Under 16s need to be accompanied by a responsible adult.
N.B. Parking is very restricted and there are no toilets on site.
Contact 023 8067 1921 for further info.
Rose Nicole