Inspectors praise improvements at Itchen College

By Maria Zaccaro, Local Democracy Reporter

itchen college under CC4Itchen College, which had been urged to improve in 2018, has now made “significant progress” according to Ofsted inspectors, who have praised improvements made.


Previously, inspectors found that “too many” A-level students left their course early while many of them had been on courses that “underperformed for too long”.

They had also said that students lacked “precise information” on what they needed to do to improve.

itchen college under CC4
Photo by Ardyer14 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

But in their recent visit to the college, Ofsted found that several improvements have now been made.

Principal Alex Scott said: “This outcome is a result of the hard work of our staff and students and gives us a solid platform from which to build future success.”

Cllr Darren Paffey, cabinet member for aspiration, children and lifelong learning at Southampton City Council, congratulated staff and students at the college.

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