The Triangle toilet has reportedly been spotted - but it’s a long way to go if you need it, and even if you find it it’s very unlikely to be of any use.
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It was photographed by David Read near Sulhamstead, close to Reading.
“I live near there and one of our favourite walks goes past here,” he said.
“I spotted it by chance. I could read Bitterne Park on there and it caught my eye. It’s only a small yard - they seem to keep random stuff in there.”
Readers may remember the Triangle’s smallest room was closed for use at the end of December, and removed in early March.
At the time workers reportedly struggled to find the right change to gain entry in order to shift it.
The nearest other public loos are sometimes open at Riverside Pavilion in the park (although we can’t say if they’re open at all during the ‘lockdown’), or at Sainsbury’s in Portswood.
Memories - of where it used to be
The Triangle convenience was one of three in Southampton that were recently closed. The council said at the time that they were originally put in place as “part of an outdoor advertising contract with JC Decaux which started in 2000 and has now ended”.
Triangle loo to go. Will you be inconvenienced?
Lamenting loss of Portswood loos
Triangle: No go zone?
First two images: David Read