Calls for race advice centre

By Maria Zaccaro, Local Democracy Reporter

blm protest southampton guildhall 3 6 20 460px credit Tim MillerThe council has been asked to set up a new centre to fight racism in Southampton.
Photo: Tim Miller



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Campaigners are calling on Southampton City Council to set up and fund a race advice centre in the city, as the death of African-American man George Floyd sparked anti-racism protests across the world.

Council representatives said they stand “vehemently against racism”.

Don John and Jay Shah, directors of Southampton-based organisation Positive Message Limited, are now calling on the council to step in.

Mr John said: “Racism is still a reality in Southampton and it manifests itself in a very different way now.”

blm protest southampton guildhall 3 6 20 460px credit Tim Miller
Black lives matter protest in Guildhall Square on June 2, 2020. Photo: Tim Miller

The use of racist language then justified as a joke or misunderstanding is one of the examples, according to Mr John.

“People play it down because people don’t realise the hurt it causes,” he added and said that at the moment there isn’t any place in the city where victims of racial abuse can receive face-to-face support.

He added: “Most people don’t report incidents because they are fearful that there may be some consequences. What we need is some places where people will feel comfortable to explain what has happened to them. “

Positive Message Limited is now calling on the city council to either establish a Race Advice Centre or determine another way to ensure that people can have their grievances and complaints dealt with in an environment that they feel comfortable.

Cllr Dave Shields, cabinet member for stronger communities at the city council, said the authority is already working on a number of initiatives with other partners such as a new Stronger Communities Team “which will help us tackle the complex issues experienced across our city including by those in our BAME communities”.

He added: “We welcome the intervention of Positive Message Limited and are hopeful they will wish to work with us to take this conversation forward. We strongly uphold the importance of working together and recognise that only by doing this can we build trust in the city.”

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