Report highlights impact of lockdown and anxieties of young people as school resumes

Aschool college student scott-webb-O0T1SIgHAfM-unsplashs many children and young people return to face-to-face education for the first time in nearly six months, charity No Limits has published a report [PDF] looking at the impact of the lockdown on and students' anxieties about returning to school and college.



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The findings were based on answers from 180 young people aged 8-25 and showed high levels of anxiety about schoolwork, falling behind and future prospects.

Many were worried about how they would integrate into the ‘new normal’. Some were concerned about another spike and how they would cope with a second lockdown. Anxiety around retuning to education was a recurrent theme.

Natalie Webb, No Limits CEO, said: “Returning to school or college will be a significant occasion for many after such an unprecedented break. We are here to support those who find it difficult, for whatever reason. Any children and young people who need a bit of extra support can talk to one of our trained youth workers without an appointment, by calling 02380 224224, emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or using our webchat at”

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash



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