The Environment Agency has issued a “flooding is possible – be prepared” alert for Mansbridge and Riverside Park around Saturday’s high tides (Nov 14, 2020).
Library shot of Riverside Park flooding
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It says that Saturday morning’s tides, at around 9.44am and 11.46am will be “higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 5 winds.”
The alert continues: “The weather increases tide table values by 0.28 m. The total forecast tide is 5.24 metres Chart Datum (2.50 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect parts of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 10:26 on Sunday (15/11/2020), the tide will be marginally higher with similar impacts. We’ll issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub.”
There is also an alert in place for Southampton and Hamble, from this link.
With thanks to Ian Turner
Tidal River Itchen – how do I know when it will flood?