Updated: Woodmill Lane and Priory Road now named in flood alert for Sunday; "Residents may wish to install flood protection" at Priory Rd.
The Environment Agency has extended its “flooding is possible – be prepared” warning for Mansbridge and Riverside Park for the Saturday evening [and Sunday morning high tides (Nov 14/15, 2020).
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Update: The flood alert for Southampton Water and Hamble for Sunday's high tides (whch says the 22.46 tide on 15/11/20 may be similar) now lists Priory Road and Woodmill Lane among areas where "flooding is expected", and suggests "At Priory Road, residents may wish to install flood protection."
The flood warning for Mansbridge and Riverside Park has been updated and is here.
With thanks to Ian Turner
Flood alert in force for Mansbridge and Riverside Park
Tidal River Itchen – how do I know when it will flood?
Updated at various times until 20:15 Saturday to keep up with changing alerts. For the latest information click through to the alerts themselves.
Photo: The River at Cobden Bridge at 12.15pm Saturday - after the second high tide