High tides at 10:26, 12:35 & 22.46 on Sunday
The flood Alert ("be prepared") for Riverside Park and Mansbridge has been escalated to a full Flood Warning ("immediate action required"), from Sunday morning (Nov 15).
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"Water levels in the Lower River Itchen are high. In the last 24 hours, half a month’s rain (42mm) has been recorded at Portswood. High tide at Southampton is at 10:26 and 12:35. Tide levels are higher than normal, forecast at 5.14 m Chart Datum (2.4 mAOD). Rain has also affected the river over the last few hours. Since yesterday, the sea door has been open at Woodmill. However, for 2 hours either side of high tide, the river will come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. It is possible that some property flooding could occur. Showers are expected to continue this morning with up to 10 mm expected. The River Itchen will remain high today, with the potential for further impacts at high tide this evening, expected at 22:46. The sea door at Woodmill remains open. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub. This Flood Warning will be updated by 17:00 on Sunday 15/11/2020."
As reported on Saturday, there is also an alert in place that lists Priory Road and St Denys as areas that may be affected and which advises "At Priory Road, residents may wish to install flood protection."
With thanks to Ian Turner
Flood alert extended for Sun morning
Flood alert in force for Mansbridge and Riverside Park
Tidal River Itchen – how do I know when it will flood?
Photo: The footpath at Riverside Park at 12.15pm Saturday - after the second high tide