Fair Trade Fashion Show in Bitterne

FairtradeA Fair Trade Fashion Show takes place on Saturday February 23 at Bitterne United Reformed Church, above Iceland, in Bitterne Precinct. Doors open at 7pm.

Organisers say the show will feature fun and affordable fashion for all ages, and will tell the stories behind the clothes. Clothing from Sainsburys, Marks & Spencers & the Fair Trade Shop, and local fair traders Lokamela & Sombrerolatin, & bags from Hatti Trading (Nepal) & Vandanamu (India), will be modelled by church members, and Girls & Boys Brigades.

There will also be a selection of trade stands selling fair trade clothing, bags, jewellery, food, toys and wooden carved items (Siwok Crafts).

Entrance is Ł3 to include refreshments & children free.
For more information, please contact Maria on 02380 221149

Other info & useful sites.
www.southampton.gov.uk/fairtrade.  And see Fairtrade events page

Fairtrade shopping in Southampton
(apart from the main retailers)

The Fairtrade Shop, 106 Shirley High Street, Southampton

Hatti Trading

Vandanamu Fair Trade

Lokamela selling Fairtrade clothing, jewellery and gifts from around the world.

Sombrerolatin. Selling handmade clothing and handicrafts from South America.  (Not Fairtrade certified, but has the Fairtrade ethos).

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