March spring clean for local nature reserve

This year's 'Spring Clean and Recycle' day at Chessel Bay Local Nature Reserve is on Saturday March 1.

City Council stalwarts and local volunteers will meet at the end of Quayside road, to clear up much of the litter that washes into the Bay, one of Southampton's special wildlife sites. Chessel Bay is an important feeding site for many birds on the mudflats, and one of the rewards hard working volunteers get is the sight of oystercatchers, curlew and dunlin - sometimes even the occasional heron.

If you'd like to spend a short time helping out, come along any time from 10am til 2pm.  Wear stout clothing. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.  Further details Hawthorns Urban wildlife Centre 023 8067 1921, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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