Library hours and services extended from April 12

bitterne library stephen gray FOBL 460Southampton City Libraries has said it's "delighted" to be extending opening hours and library services from Monday (April 12) - although the Cobbett Road library "remains closed".




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In an update on Friday the library service said:

"Central, Bitterne, Lordshill, Shirley, Portswood and Woolston libraries will offer library browsing, a Select and Collect service, returns and pre-booked public computer access and pre-booked study spaces".

It added: "Burgess Road Library will offer a Select and Collect service, returns and pre-booked public computer access."

cobbett road library ext lights on jan 21Bitterne Park's Cobbett Hub & Library, left, "remains closed", said the update, which is available to read in full here.

Southampton City Council (SCC) has said it is "committed to finding a new provider" to run the Cobbett Road library, and talks have taken place with the library friends group. SCC didn't reply to our request for an update on Cobbett Road on March 19.

Meanwhile as reported, in Bitterne there are plans to bring together leisure, health and library facilities as part of a £30m precinct transformation.

bitterne library stephen gray FOBL 460
Bitterne Library. Photo: Stephen Gray/Friends of Bitterne Library

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