Find out about arts centre plans

You can find out more about the new arts complex planned for the city centre at the forthcoming Southampton ShowsOff weekend, on Saturday March 15, from 11am — 4pm in the Main Hall, Southampton City Art Gallery.

Visitors can meet the four organisations which will occupy the new building opposite Guildhall Square: Art Asia, City Eye, John Hansard Gallery and The Nuffield. The event will offer a taste of the activities the complex will offer and a chance to view the architect’s current plans for the site.

You’ll be able to:

—    Experience the pure sound of India with Art Asia, hosting music performances throughout the day.
—    Catch recent work from City Eye
—    Explore extracts from John Hansard Gallery’s maritime-themed current exhibition ‘Crossings’
—    Expect the unexpected from The Nuffield!
—    Contribute your ideas: comment in City Eye’s video booth

Click here to view the programme of events.

The complex will include exhibition spaces; two new theatres for music, dance, comedy and drama; a full range of South Asian arts; plus resources for film-makers.

The project is currently going through the planning process, and 2012 is the estimated date for completion of the complex. Read more about the plans in the Daily Echo here.

Southampton ShowsOff weekend on March 15/16 offers a programme of arts, cultural and heritage events, shows and exhibitions, showing off Southampton's creative and cultural talent. For more information about the weekend’s activities click here.

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